Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Last weekend we took part in a scavenger hunt organised by the staff at the Iguana. The idea was to answer questions by collecting information from a number of different towns situated around the lake (think the Amazing Race). We had a private boat to take us from each town to the next, complete with an esky full of coldies and lots of fun along the way.

Our first stop was Santiago de Atitlan, famous for the shrine of Maximón - the naughty saint worshipped in various forms by Maya people. In Santiago, he is a wooden statute who moves from house to house each year. Visitors bring offerings of liquor and we came armed with a bottle of Gallo (beer), but were bluntly told by his attendants that Maximón would prefer it if we purchased a bottle of his favourite beverage, aguadiente (think cheap backyard rum). Nice try!

Outside the rather bizarre shrine to Maximón, we got chatting to the friendly family currently housing the saint, who decided to take the opportunity to attempt to transform Nat into a Tzutujil Mayan...

We ended the day with the Lake Atitlan cliff diving championships. Jack earned a few points for our Budgie Smugglers team by plunging into the crystal blue water of the lake from the ridiculously high cliff pictured above (Mexican cliff diving south of the border). Go Budgies!


Blogger Jack & Nat said...

Steve, the community thinks it is 15 metres. I didn't even think about what impact the budgie smugglers would have (the beer may have had something to do with it), that is until I landed - and suffered the most severe wedgie of my life.

However, Lachie makes a quality product, for they held and would not be torn!

8:40 PM  
Blogger Saibs said...

Oh lordie - nice work Peaches! And you make a luffly mayan Nat!

2:43 AM  
Blogger Pingring said...

Oh my god, I can feel the constricted breathing coming on just looking at that jump. Go the budgies!

6:29 AM  

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