Wednesday, November 29, 2006

On Sunday, thanks to our real estate agent, we managed to get tickets to the La Boca. This is a big deal in Buenos Aires as La Boca (Boca Juniors), the glamour team here, are on the verge of winning the league.

Unfortunately crowd violence is the norm and in the week we arrived the government had just announced that visiting fans were banned from the remaining 4 weeks of the season. We had seats in a non-rowdy section and were fenced in with the spikes turning towards the adjacent section (see below one fanatico trying to provoke our side of the fence). The game was a good one with Boca winning 4-1 and no crowd problems.

The singing was incredible and seemed more inventive than in England where they copy other songs and repeat short lines. Everyone gets into it and waves their arm as if to say ´I spit on your mothers grave´. It all looks very passionate. They also jump up and down in unison which gets the stadium, and your confidence in Latin American enginerring, shaking. Great day!


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